Evaluation Reminder

Evaluation reminder enables the protected program to regularly check the Key to determine whether or not it is running in the evaluation mode.


Specify the time interval (1-31) in hours or minutes in which the protected program detects the Key. If the Key returns the license mode as evaluation or unregistered, it triggers the protected program to perform an evaluation reminder. The reminder can be an action, a popup dialog, or a target object that you specify.


Specify the action to take when an evaluation reminder is triggered.


·         Terminate the protected program. The protected program immediately terminates itself.

·         Rerun the protected program. The protected program immediately terminates itself, and then automatically restarts. 

·         Continue the protected program. The protected program continues to run.


Specify a target object when an evaluation reminder is triggered. The target objet is loaded after the specified action. It can be one of the followings:


·         URL. For instance, https://www.sciensoft.com/register.htm. The protected program will launch a web browser that links to the specified URL.

·         E-mail Address. For instance, mailto:register@sciensoft.com. The protected program will launch a default mail composer with the specified email address. 

·         Document File Name. For instance, register.txt. The protected program will open the specified document using its associated application.

·         Executable File Name. For instance, register.exe. The protected program will run the specified executable program.

Show Popup Dialog

Enable a popup dialog box when an evaluation reminder is triggered. The popup dialog box appears before the specified action.


·         Caption. Specify a caption for the popup dialog box.

·         Message. Specify a message to appear in the popup dialog box.


note NOTE: Evaluation reminder is not available for DOS/16-bit Windows applications.