The Advanced tab allows you to define advanced licensing properties,
which include Key Data and User ID.
Specify data for the 64-byte space in the Key. In addition, you can
enable the Items
mode of Key Data by clicking on the Items1,
Items2, Items3, and Items4 buttons. The Items dialog box
will appear. You can then use the provided checkboxes to enable/disable the
Item IDs.
The Add to existing Key Data checkbox determines how the Key
Data or licensed Item IDs are applied to the Key. When disabled, they replace
to the Key. When enabled, they add to the Key. For more details about the Key
Data addition, see Appendix:
Advanced Key Data and Compatibility.
Assign a unique User ID for the Key, from 1
to 2,147,483,647. The default value is zero, which means no User ID assigned.
The User ID allows you to easily identify each individual user of the protected
application. The User ID is needed when licensing the application using the
RKUB (Remote Key Update Broadcast) feature.