USB LicenseKey Manager

USB LicenseKey Manager is the tool for licensing the protected application that is implemented as USB License. The tool allows you to define licensing properties (such as usage-based, time-based, and feature-based) and make the USB License Key (dongle) from normal USB flash drives to license the protected application. In addition, USB LicenseKey Manager also provides other functionalities, which include managing package profiles for making the USB License Key, creating the Init Key utility for the node-locked dongle , creating the Install Key utility for the connect-less dongle, and creating the USB LicenseKey Maker tool for distributor. 


note NOTE: The USB flash drive must meet the technical standards required to make the dongle, which can be found in products by well-branded, trusted companies such as SanDisk, Kingston, Lexar, Transcend, etc.


note NOTE: It is recommended that you test the dongle made from your specific USB flash drive brand/model prior to actual deployment or making a large volume of dongles. To ensure that the dongle is fully functional, the protected application must be able to detect the dongle on another machine which is not used to make the dongle.


note NOTE: The USB License Key (dongle) supports the protected application running on both Windows and macOS platforms. If you want to offer your application in two different licensed versions for Windows and macOS, you should assign each version a different Program ID.


note NOTE: It is recommended that you use the USB License Key (dongle) to license your macOS application in the No Limit mode only. Due to limitations in the macOS system, the security of the Limit mode (which you can specify the limits such execution, expiration period) may be compromised.

See Also

·         Key Properties Pane

·         Note Pane

·         Package Pane

·         Package List Pane

·         Options Menu

·         Destroy Key Menu

·         Create Init Key Utility

·         Create Install Key Utility

·         Create Roam Utility

·         Edit Program Name

·         Edit Module Name

·         Edit Item Name

·         Create USB LicenseKey Maker Dialog Box