
Start your free trial

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Access to online demo Update Server.
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Important Notes
When you try UpdateShield with an evaluation key, it is assigned with the trial system ID. You should use the trial UpdateShield for evaluation purposes only and should NOT distribute your software integrated by the trial UpdateShield. Your software could be unstable when it interferes with another of the same trial system.
When you acquire the licensed UpdateShield, it will be assigned with a unique Key ID for your unique system.
How to find Registration ID
After installing the product, start the Integrator tool. Click the button to evaluate the product. In the registration and activation dialog box, choose to register as an evaluation license. The Registration ID is displayed.

Get Your Free 30-Day Evaluation Key

To get a free 30-day evaluation key, select the product you have installed, enter your Registration ID, and fill out the form below. You will receive an email containing the evaluation key within seconds.
Please select your product.
Please enter your Registration ID.
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