NetKey License Server

The on-premise license server manages a pool of network licenses and supports floating concurrent licenses, roaming licenses, Terminal Server licenses, and ASP.NET sessions.
NetKey License Server

Key Features & Benefits

Floating Network License
The key benefit of NKLS is allowing you to offer your software with floating concurrent licenses, which is a more flexible and cost-effective licensing solution for corporate users. The NKLS functions to manage a pool of licenses that can be allocated and shared among authorized users by which you can control the number of concurrent licenses allowed.
Roaming Network License
The NKLS with roaming support offers enhanced flexibility and convenience over floating licenses. Using the provided Roam utility, the user can check out (or borrow) a license from (and return) it to the NKLS. Then, the user can disconnect from the network, and temporarily use the application off-site, at home, or any places.
Terminal Services Session Restriction
Terminal Services (or Remote Desktop Services) is the technology that allows the clients to run multiple copies of the application installed on the server. NKLS can enable you to take control over the Terminal Services policy to restrict the concurrent number of remote sessions allowed.
NKLS Windows Service
NKLS is also available as a Windows service (or via command line interface). It works great when it is installed the server that requires no user intervention. You can also configure NKLS to run in the background as a service process so that it is not terminated when the system is logged off. Therefore, you can ensure that NLKS can provide a reliable and continuous licensing service to the clients running the application.
NetKey Manager and .NET Component
NetKey Manager allows you to monitor and control the NKLS service on the server remotely via the network. It is provided as the compiled GUI version and .NET component. Using the component, you can easily customize and personalize your network licensing server application to communicate with the NKLS service.
Running Multiple NKLSs
An instance of NKLS can serve one protected application. If the server will host more than one Network Key, you can run multiple instances of NKLS by simply using a different TCP port number.
Fault Tolerance Support
You can have up to 4 servers of NKLS to support the protected application. If one of the NKLSs is down, the application can automatically redirect (in background and without interruption) to get or validate the license from the other running NKLS.
Technical Specifications
System Requirements:
Windows OS
Running Modes:
Windows app (Graphical UI)
Windows service (Command-Line)
NKLS Features
No. of Applications Supported:
Ability of running multiple NKLSs on server
One NKLS instance (& TCP port) per app
Fault Tolerance:
NKLS deployment up to 4 servers
User Authorization:
Authorization by MAC address
Authorization by IP address
Specific NAT IP address
Monitoring Active Clients:
Computer name
IP address
Application name
Start time
Connection: Network or Terminal Server
History Log:
Up to 7 days of NKLS/connection activities